Student Leaders

Student Leaders 2025

image of Nila Segura

Nila Segura

Head Student

Kia ora, My name is Nila Segura, and I am honored to be your Head Girl for 2025.

Being given this opportunity to represent our school and its students is a privilege that I take with great pride and responsibility.

Throughout my years at this kura, I have grown not only as a student but also as a leader. I have learned the value of hard work, resilience, and community - qualities that I will bring into this role. As Head Girl, my goal is to be a voice for all students, to help create a school environment where everyone feels included, supported, and inspired to reach their full potential.

This year, I am committed to leading by example, taking on challenges with a positive mindset, and working alongside my peers and teachers to bring new opportunities and improvements to our school. Whether it’s through events, initiatives, or simply being there to listen, I want to ensure that every student feels heard and valued.

Beyond my leadership role, I also have personal goals, including achieving academic success and continuing to develop the skills that will prepare me for life beyond high school.

I am grateful for the opportunity to be Head Student, this role will allow me to reach my full potential.

image of Wipatene Hepi-Te Huia

Wipatene Hepi-Te Huia

Head Student

Ko Tongariro te Maunga

Ko Taupo-nui-atea te Moana

Ko Te Arawa te Waka

Ko Ngati Tuwharetoa raua

Ko Ngati Maniapoto aku iwi

Ko Ngati Te maunga me Ngati Hari aku Hapu

Ko Te Rangipumamao toku Wharepuni

Ko Te Rangiita te tangata

Ko Taumarunui High School toku Kura

Tihei Mauri Ora

Kia Ora e te iwi, my name is Wipatene Hepi-Te Huia one of the Head Students here at Taumarunui High School for the year 2025. It is an honour and a privilege for me to hold this leadership position within our Kura.

Being a Head Student for Taumarunui High School comes with various responsibilities, commitments, sacrifices, and decisions. As a Head Student I tend to encourage and set better examples towards students and teachers to help and support them whenever they are in need

I am good at motivating others, fostering teamwork, and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. I adore coming up with fresh ways to handle any difficulties, and I am all about communicating and solving problems. Participating in other interests and helping others has taught me responsibility and helped me become a better version of myself

My goal for 2025 is to ensure that opportunities are accessible to every student in our Kura and help set my peers in the right direction. I want to be a part of developing our Kura into a more positive and supportive environment for my peers, where everyone feels included and no one is left behind. I strive to be a role model that my peers can look up to. I am here to offer support, assistance, and guidance whenever it is needed.

Being a leader, this year makes me feel honoured, and I am looking forward to working with other leaders to develop fantastic possibilities for our school.

image of Jack Owen

Jack Owen

Head Student

Hi, my name is Jack Owen, and I am a head student at Taumarunui High School for 2025.

This is a position that makes me feel both honored and terrified.
When I started here as a year 9, I was absolutely petrified. However, over the years, the school, the teachers, and the other students have helped me to become a more confident person.
As a student leader, my goal is to inspire other shy students to aim high, and to show them that anyone can achieve if you set your mind to it.

My goals for my own schooling are to achieve NCEA with as high a grade as I can and then go to university to study geology. As important as this goal is to me, I still plan on devoting my time to being a good student leader.

This year, I hope that I can have a positive impact on the school community, and help students feel welcomed. It is also my hope that I can help students to feel confident about achieving their goals.

I am so grateful for this position, and the opportunity to give back to our school community. As a head student, I will try my very best to be a role model for others, especially for those who are just as shy as I am.
image of  Mihi Haruru Tawhai

Mihi Haruru Tawhai

Head Student

Ko Maungapohatu te maunga mairanginui ki a Papatuanuku.

Ko Tauranga te awa tuku kiri, tuku mara.

Ko Mataatua te one tu, te one matua.

Ko Tuapo te marae te turangawaiwai a kui ma, a kora ma.

Ko ngawaiwhakata te manaaki o te o kai.

Manaaki o te o tangata

Ko Tamakaimoana te hapu, taku mana, taku ihi

He iti nga Tuhoe ka tata te po.

Kia ora, My name is Mihi Haruru Tawhai, and I am a Year 13 here at Taumarunui High School.

I am originally from a small town in the Bay of Plenty called Taneatua and spent most of my childhood growing up there before moving here to Taumarunui at the beginning of 2023. Throughout my short years at this school, I have experienced all there is to offer, participating in Scuba Diving, Wearable arts, Manaaki Marae and many other activities. My Active role as a Student Leader has helped me to develop a positive outlook on better ways to improve myself in communicating and helping to lead others.

Personally, I consider myself a positive and effective student leader due to my unwavering commitment to responsibility, empathy, and dedication. I strive to lead by example, maintaining focus on my objectives while encouraging my peers to pursue excellence alongside me. I actively listen to others with an open mind, valuing their perspectives and fostering an inclusive environment where every voice is respected. My optimistic outlook serves as a source of motivation for those around me, inspiring them to take initiative and collaborate toward common goals. I approach challenges with composure, always maintaining a clear vision of success, and work diligently to be a reliable leader who nurtures growth, unity, and a sense of belonging within our school community.

Though I am still young, there is much more I would like to experience and accomplish in my life. One goal of mine is to be able to pursue a career in carpentry, which I know this will be able to help not only me, but also others.

For now, I look forward to working with the new leaders of this year and hope to create even more opportunities for both the students and our school.

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